9 months since I am here and it has been an amazing journey so far...
Back to School!!!
Back to the same days... books, pre-readings, post-reading, exams, assignments, presentations, charts, numbers going over the roof tops, projects, aaahhhhhhh!!!!!... not to forget.. struggling to write 3000 words every now and then and yet somehow managing to get everything done in time and celebrating every moment with equal enthusiasm ..like it was the first and last!
Those endless intellectual discussions with constantly scribbling on white boards! (Ha ha ha) to the extent of ending up discussing economic factors in real life situations... gosh! cant seem to get over the "DRL-effect" to during exams and plotting ourselves on the graph...
Those late night exam preparations with almost all of us in college syndicate rooms... forever.."burning the mid-night oil!" .. not to forget perpetually hungry and always had something to binge on.. :P
Thank goodness Domino's has a 24x7 delivery service...
9 months of highs and lows..3 months more to go and we would all go our different paths with a promise to meet once in a year or so..may be have holidays together.. :)))....
you cant help but fall in love all over again...
Highly recommended (keep upgrading your skills and re-live school )!
So long....
Back to School!!!
Back to the same days... books, pre-readings, post-reading, exams, assignments, presentations, charts, numbers going over the roof tops, projects, aaahhhhhhh!!!!!... not to forget.. struggling to write 3000 words every now and then and yet somehow managing to get everything done in time and celebrating every moment with equal enthusiasm ..like it was the first and last!
Those endless intellectual discussions with constantly scribbling on white boards! (Ha ha ha) to the extent of ending up discussing economic factors in real life situations... gosh! cant seem to get over the "DRL-effect" to during exams and plotting ourselves on the graph...
Those late night exam preparations with almost all of us in college syndicate rooms... forever.."burning the mid-night oil!" .. not to forget perpetually hungry and always had something to binge on.. :P
Thank goodness Domino's has a 24x7 delivery service...
9 months of highs and lows..3 months more to go and we would all go our different paths with a promise to meet once in a year or so..may be have holidays together.. :)))....
you cant help but fall in love all over again...
i <3 it!
Highly recommended (keep upgrading your skills and re-live school )!
So long....