Thursday, February 27, 2014

Painting a New Chapter..

A strange feeling crept in this morning.. the feeling of mixed emotions overpowering every presence around me!

From happiness to dismay to getting back and flashing that smile again..  I sometimes wonder what's in store.. but then just smile with the hope to see the colours that mix together to paint that perfect picture. I read an article as a child in the centre page of The Times of India..a column called "The Speaking Tree" and never forgot what it said.. It made a difference in my being then and continues to do so.

As I get my feet back on the ground, I think of all the times gone by and how I evolved in the process. I love the picture that I see so far, although I may not understand it fully, but am sure the colours and their shades and hues will come together and paint the perfect picture for me.. 

I walk steadily with this hope and carry that colour with me to be the change I so want to see..

Monday, June 11, 2012

Back to School...

9 months since I am here and it has been an amazing journey so far...

Back to School!!!

 Back to the same days... books, pre-readings, post-reading, exams, assignments, presentations, charts, numbers going over the roof tops, projects, aaahhhhhhh!!!!!... not to forget.. struggling to write 3000 words every now and then and yet somehow managing to get everything done in time and celebrating every moment with equal enthusiasm it was the first and last!

Those endless intellectual discussions with constantly scribbling on white boards! (Ha ha ha) to the extent of ending up discussing economic factors in real life situations... gosh! cant seem to get over the "DRL-effect" to during exams and plotting ourselves on the graph...

Those late night exam preparations with almost all of us in college syndicate rooms... forever.."burning the mid-night oil!" .. not to forget perpetually hungry and always had something to binge on.. :P

Thank goodness Domino's has a 24x7 delivery service...

9 months of  highs and lows..3 months more to go and we would all go our different paths with a promise to meet once in a year or so..may be have holidays together.. :)))....
                                                        you cant help but fall in love all over again...

i <3 it!

Highly recommended (keep upgrading your skills and re-live school )!

So long....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Coversation worth a thought

My neighbour's grand children had come down from USA for their summer vacations. Its been 3 years they had not visited there "nain-amma" (dadi ma)!

My aunt told me how the kids are not liking India one bit. All they wanted to do was stay home and play in the lil play area aunt has! (Well, my neighbour aunt runs a pre-school and so has a nice kiddie play area too.. )

I made friends with the lovely girls and we kinda got along.. Just a day before they were leaving back for states.. we happened to have a conversation that went this way:

Kid: Do u like India?

Me: Yes, I do.

Kid: What do u like abt it?

Me: Well, its a beautiful country with wonderful people and an amazing cultural heritage sweety!

Kid: May be.. But i do not like India/Hyderabad much.. Its so dirty and trashed everywhere. And its smells so bad too.

Me: No Darling! its not all that bad you know.. I agree the trash is all over the place.. but it aint that bad.. trust me..

Kid: I do not think so! Also, I have some old people knocking at the glass windows at every signal on the road.. Who are they? they are so dirty and carry a baby who is always sleeping in so much noiseee...Who are they ? And why are they that way?

Me: They are the under privileged sweetheart.. they are known as beggars! Its a very hard life they are living u know!

Kid: Okay! Why doesn't anyone do anything for these people.  You know, I have not seen even one beggar in US..

Me: I am sure there are.. But much lesser than in India dear. :)

Kid: Why doesn't someone do something abt the trash and the roads and all..

Like all the conversation i ever had with my dad on this topic.. i decided to answer the same to this lil kid..

Me: India is a very big country and a huge population.. getting things in order will take a while but it is in process!

Kid: How large is India?

Me: Its very large. almost 30 odd states and 7 UT ( the last i remember was 25 states and 7 UT.. now i have lost count!)

Kid: U knw USA has 52 states and yet not even one state looks half like Hyderabad and India in its Trash and smelliness....


Monday, March 28, 2011

Questions, Questions, & More Questions..

Lately, I have been observing a pattern. A weird pattern! A pattern of questions.. questions that now am started to get sick of! These questions are put not just to me but many of my girl pals who are around my age. Also, people asking these questions are not our family. But neighbors, accquitances, first time meetings friends, friends not including close ones, guys, old short its just "OTHERS" for me..

So this is how a conversation on online chats or personal meetings turns out to be...

Others: Hi, Where r u?
Me:      Hey!, Hi... M out of country
Others: Oh! when r u back?
Me:      Not Sure
Others: Aur shaadi kabh kar rahi ho? ( so when are u getting married?)
Me:      Patha Nahi (i donno)
Others: Kyon? Ladka nahi dekha kya? ( Why? have u not seen a guy yet?)
Me:      Nahi (No)
Others: Accha! tou tumhara future ka kya plan hai? ( Okay! so what are your plans for the future)
Me:      Mein kuch plan nahi karti (I dont plan anything)
Others: Oh! gud.
Me:      yup!
Others: So.. tum shaadi India mein karogi ya bahar? (So.. will u get married in India or abroad?)
Me:      I donno.  Haven't thought about it.
Others: gud. But kya tumhe india accha nahi lagta?? ( Oh good.. but is it that u dont like india)
Me:     Aisa kuch nahi hai. Mein holiday pe hoon. (Ther's nothing like that.. M on a holiday ya.. )
Others: Ok. Shaadi pe bulaogi na... (ok. U will invite for ur wedding na?)
Me:      GTG. Will catch up later. :) Ciao...
Others: okay!

Sigh! I hope you got my point... "sulk" :)

The big "M". As if gurls grew up only to get themselves eligible for that big "M". Its not like i do not believe in the consitution of marriage or am against it. Its just that, everything has a time and for many the time may be not as per normal usual practices. Dear people, please give gurls their desired space and time. Especially when their families are there to do all the worrying for them.. :P

I am sure many gurls my age or elder have gone through these series of questions. At least i know of many. What's even more hilarious is the extent of wanting to know when is the wedding...despite trying to fool us by asking random trivial questions..which even we know is not the real question or intention..its all coming back to just that one question..

The best is being asked these annoying set of questions in the same set manner by guys our age.. WOW!

Its funny how the questions have not changed much over a period of time.

Some 7-8 yrs back, the questions asked were:

Others: Hi.. u busy?
Me:      Hi, No tell me...
Others: How r u?
Me:      M good. Hw r u?
Others: Hw's life?
Me:      Fine
Others: Which college? wht u studying?
Me:       XYZ college.. abc subjects
Others: oh cool! So what plans?
Me:      Thanks! nothing yet.
Others: Bfs?
Me:      No.
Others: Hw's it possible?
Me:      Is it important?
Others: Was just wondering hw can u not hv at-least 1..
Me:      OKAY!!!!... well, i gtg.. bye!

LOL... the questions almost remain the same....

so long... :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dear "Mr.Knowall" Creatures (M.E.N)- Its Never Too Late...

Human Beings are superior creatures! or if i may be excused.."the most evolved BEASTS"... :)

And what's even best is that, although we all belong to this exceptionally superior category..we discriminate amongst ourselves! Leave alone the world busy discriminating over caste, creed, sects.. bla bla bla.. we just cant stop discriminating between being MAN & WOMAN.. (& excuse me..we are not talking about reservations for women for education etc here...)

I am sure, its not new to any woman or girl down on earth to be treated like,.." what the heck, u don't know this much????", "women!the most confused lot", "women! a pain and reason for all the pain", or even when a guy is driving and the vehicle in front or by their side is that of a women's..u would have definitely said it at least once.."oops! stay far from that car..a lady is driving"...And if this was not enough humiliation, we have people speaking and writing and discussing.."how painful women/girls are".

Recently, i read a blog written by a friend of mine. Describing how useless and pointless it is to understand and even think about a women! No offence though.. But hello..All you "Mr. Knowalls"..Have you ever bothered to think what you'll do and how painful can you'll get? And top it all.. its you men who drool even at the slightest sight of a women! So stop blaming women for everything you see and find.

We women accept, understanding us is complicated.. cause we think with our hearts even before anything in this world. But you'll??? Are you'll even true to yourselves? Give it a thought.

Let me tell you, I am not being biased here. There have been instances when i myself have at least once said.." Oh! such a typical girl".. I accept it. I am pretty tom boyish. And while i can think with my heart. I can be as stubborn and practical as men assume themselves to be. But right now... its not about me.. Its about the arguments and annoying discussions over women and I am totally annoyed with the way Men just go on and on about themselves. Just because women do not say anything does not make them any less superior.  Leave alone that, I have known so many male friends and colleagues who are just as confused and rather even worse than that of women. And to this if my dear male friends want to counter me stating that its just 0.5% or 1%..Then i'd say.. Please dear men..u'l need to introspect.

If a women's understanding is considered to be her stupidity.. and her expressing herself is considered demanding and expensive.. I guess, u'l need to think over as to what do you want. If you'll have so much of a problem with women, y the heck on earth do u run after women. Y is such a status quo to have a her with you when u out for a party or even just by yourself. Y is it that u feel lonely and need her. y is it that u cant just respect her for who she is and accept her the way she is.. rather than customizing her for yourself. She is not an instrument or a toy that you play with her when u like and just dump her in your backyard once your bored.
Its funny, how men want the best and have life on their terms even if the choice they make are stupid! But in case she does the same.. we will have articles talking about " Smart women, not so smart choices". Ha! ha!

Nature is designed this way..  he cant be without her and she cant be with out him. Simple! Its just about nurturing, learning, maturing, and accommodating each other well. You cant always be demanding and customizing as if u were at the Dell online shop! Come to terms with life.. No one can understand his/her partner a 100%. M sure even our parents do not understand each other 100%. But having lived together, cared for each other.. You just begin to love, learn, and grow. Man is a social animal. He cant be alone.

So stop complaining about women. And please for heaven's sake.. if u want to be respected. Then earn it. And don't forget to respect her! she is well deserving of it.

And by the way, you have been made superior not because u are.. But cause we women let u. If women start to behave like u men do.. U shall regret!

Lets live cordially.. trusting, loving, and respecting each other for who we are.

Love Always!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011


"Necessity is the mother of invention."

Its something we'v known forever. But tell me what creates uncertainty? Isn't it the same necessity?
I am a bit puzzled and worried lately at the conversation i have had with people around me. Invariable, every conversation i have had with any person has shown a high degree of randomness/uncertainity.

In a way looking back, i cannot help but wonder how our conversations have changed with time. Even a random person i meet on the road speaks to me with the same degree of anxiety. Anxiety of studies, placements, proposals, post marriage stress, future securement....the list is endless.

We just dont seem to stop! Hold yourself. Please give yourself a moment. Take deep breathes and then think. But think sensibly. You cant eat all the onions in the world today just worrying whether you'll get onions later in life or will they be $100 a kg. Give it a break!

Okay! i know you would think i am being stupid in your present first before worrying about your future. But think about it! Not everything needs to have a mission and vision behind it. If you wanna go scream your guts it! dont worry about how sour you throats gonna be later..its curable..;) Look at the brighter side to feel happy!

Happy it should be always.............. " Smile, fly high, let the breeze caresses your skin...let it ignite your senses to just break free...and live every moment like its your first................."

Live life! you wont get a second chance!

