Human Beings are superior creatures! or if i may be excused.."the most evolved BEASTS"... :)
And what's even best is that, although we all belong to this exceptionally superior category..we discriminate amongst ourselves! Leave alone the world busy discriminating over caste, creed, sects.. bla bla bla.. we just cant stop discriminating between being MAN & WOMAN.. (& excuse me..we are not talking about reservations for women for education etc here...)
I am sure, its not new to any woman or girl down on earth to be treated like,.." what the heck, u don't know this much????", "women!the most confused lot", "women! a pain and reason for all the pain", or even when a guy is driving and the vehicle in front or by their side is that of a women's..u would have definitely said it at least once.."oops! stay far from that car..a lady is driving"...And if this was not enough humiliation, we have people speaking and writing and discussing.."how painful women/girls are".
Recently, i read a blog written by a friend of mine. Describing how useless and pointless it is to understand and even think about a women! No offence though.. But hello..All you "Mr. Knowalls"..Have you ever bothered to think what you'll do and how painful can you'll get? And top it all.. its you men who drool even at the slightest sight of a women! So stop blaming women for everything you see and find.
We women accept, understanding us is complicated.. cause we think with our hearts even before anything in this world. But you'll??? Are you'll even true to yourselves? Give it a thought.
Let me tell you, I am not being biased here. There have been instances when i myself have at least once said.." Oh! such a typical girl".. I accept it. I am pretty tom boyish. And while i can think with my heart. I can be as stubborn and practical as men assume themselves to be. But right now... its not about me.. Its about the arguments and annoying discussions over women and I am totally annoyed with the way Men just go on and on about themselves. Just because women do not say anything does not make them any less superior. Leave alone that, I have known so many male friends and colleagues who are just as confused and rather even worse than that of women. And to this if my dear male friends want to counter me stating that its just 0.5% or 1%..Then i'd say.. Please dear men..u'l need to introspect.
If a women's understanding is considered to be her stupidity.. and her expressing herself is considered demanding and expensive.. I guess, u'l need to think over as to what do you want. If you'll have so much of a problem with women, y the heck on earth do u run after women. Y is such a status quo to have a her with you when u out for a party or even just by yourself. Y is it that u feel lonely and need her. y is it that u cant just respect her for who she is and accept her the way she is.. rather than customizing her for yourself. She is not an instrument or a toy that you play with her when u like and just dump her in your backyard once your bored.
Its funny, how men want the best and have life on their terms even if the choice they make are stupid! But in case she does the same.. we will have articles talking about " Smart women, not so smart choices". Ha! ha!
Nature is designed this way.. he cant be without her and she cant be with out him. Simple! Its just about nurturing, learning, maturing, and accommodating each other well. You cant always be demanding and customizing as if u were at the Dell online shop! Come to terms with life.. No one can understand his/her partner a 100%. M sure even our parents do not understand each other 100%. But having lived together, cared for each other.. You just begin to love, learn, and grow. Man is a social animal. He cant be alone.
So stop complaining about women. And please for heaven's sake.. if u want to be respected. Then earn it. And don't forget to respect her! she is well deserving of it.
And by the way, you have been made superior not because u are.. But cause we women let u. If women start to behave like u men do.. U shall regret!
Lets live cordially.. trusting, loving, and respecting each other for who we are.
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